10 Major Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You For Real

Are you currently in a relationship with a Nigerian man and you are wondering if he’s serious about marrying you?
This post will show you 10 major signs that he’s committed to your relationship and serious about building a future with you.
Although a lot of Nigerian men have been falsely categorized as Yoruba Demons, serial cheaters, and users, I promise that there are still very honest Nigerian men who are genuinely in search of love.
Let’s get into these 10 Major Signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you for real
1. He won’t leave you guessing
When a Nigerian man sees what he truly wants in you, he won’t waste your time. From the get-go, he will make it clear that he wants an exclusive committed relationship and not just for casual sex.
A lot of women are staying with men who have refused to define their relationship and so they get disappointed after waiting so long and the man doesn’t make a serious move.
If a Nigerian man wants to marry you, you won’t have to question the state of your relationship.
2. Communication flow is not forced or one-sided
Most Nigerian men love to gist and chitchat with their partners, so if your man finds it difficult to communicate freely with you, humour you or just spend a few minutes every day on the phone at least twice a day to talk to you then there’s a problem.
A man who loves you will be delighted to hear your voice daily and keep the communication flow intact. He would make time for you no matter how busy he gets.
3. He’s Not Ashamed or hesitant to meet everyone you know
If a Nigerian man refuses to meet the people that matter to you, there’s a problem!
When he truly cares about you and your relationship has passed the 3 months of getting to know each other or even before that, he would be happy to meet your friends, colleagues, siblings, and so on.
He would also introduce you to his own friends and people in his circle.
4. He talks about his future with you in the picture
Nigerian Men are usually very goal-driven and hardworking, so if a man is making plans about his future and he’s serious about you, he would let you know what he envisions your role would be at that particular time of his life too.
If he’s just after sex or a short-term thing he won’t really talk much about his future and would not make any long-term plans with you. Watch out for this one coz it’s easy to overlook it.
5. He consults you before making decisions
It doesn’t matter if you are not yet married, if a Nigerian man loves you for real, he will always want your input in his small or big decision-making.
This is one thing that stood out for me when my husband and I were in a relationship. He was always so thoughtful and would always ask me about the most seemingly insignificant things.
Look out for this in your man, if he truly loves and respects you he’ll value your opinion on issues about his life, work, or business.
6. He takes you to meet his Pastor or Mentor
Most Nigerian guys have someone they consider an “Egbon”, mentor, elder, leader, or someone older whose opinions they value a lot.
So if a Nigerian man wants to marry you for real, he will invite you over to meet the person. Most times, they would have told them so much about you already so meeting them would be a breeze coz so much would have been said in your absence.
7. He won’t take the little things for granted
Nigerian men like to care for their women so a man who wants to marry you for real, would be intentional about that.
Everything from gifts to surprise dates, expression of love in words, actions, or even in writing you’ll get that. Your birthdays and special anniversaries won’t be forgotten because he won’t want to let you down.
8. He will be honest with you
A Nigeran who wants to marry you for real will be honest with you, he will be open about his finances, his past, and everything else you might need to know.
He doesn’t want to lose you so he would be upfront with details of his life that could define the stability of your relationship in the future.
9. He would be loyal, he will stand by you & defend you
It’s not uncommon to find that when a man chooses to marry you, there would be people who think he should be with someone else or shouldn’t marry someone fro your country, tribe or social strata. Regardless, if a man loves you and he wants to marry you for real, he will stand against every opposition and defend his choice to be with you no matter what.
A Nigerian who wants to marry you for real will be loyal and respect you.
10. He will take you to meet his Dad
Any Nigerian man can take a lady to meet his friends, siblings or even his Mom but if he takes you to meet both parents together or his Dad specifically then he truly wants to be with you.
He would also be eager to meet your own parents and make his intentions known officially to block off anyone any opposition.
These 10 signs show that a Nigerian man wants to marry you for real and he’s serious about what you have going on and not just for sex.
In conclusion, I think it’s very important to know your worth and to always be clear about what you need. Don’t let any man take you for granted.
Also, read 10 Things Your Nigerian Man Wants from you
If you need one-on-one counselling about a relationship issue, kindly book a private session with me
I offer coaching classes and couple counselling also. You can also send a DM to me on Instagram @Lqueentt
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