7 Things You Should Not Do After Sex

Having regular sex as a couple is a great way to strengthen your bond but there are things you should not do after sex (never do, right after sex) coz they could ruin everything.
That’s why it’s often advised that you shouldn’t leave out sex in your daily/weekly planning because as much as spontaneous sex is great, having to rush out right after sex takes away from the excitement of it (if you know what I mean (lol) so it’s best to plan it too.
Here are 7 Things You should not do after sex
1. Get up and go
Except it’s an emergency, there’s no reason why you should have sex with your spouse and jump right up immediately after to do something else or go somewhere. It’s often advised that the few moments after sex should be spent cuddling and having small talk, doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon or night sex! Let’s be honest, it’s annoying when a married couple have sex and one person is already running out from the bed to pick up their car keys, this is not a hush-hush situation. You are married!
2. Pick up your phone
There’s nothing nice about having a good time with your partner and then seeing them pick up their phone right after without actually trying to speak to you for a few minutes. This is one of the most exasperating things you should not do after sex especially in this era of social media addiction. Your partner might not complain but it’s a bad habit to pick up your phone and start chatting, calling, or scrolling away on social media apps right after sex. O wrong!
3. Bring up issues of conflict
Sex is not something you use to win an argument. If you think bringing up an old argument will make you win, then think again. It’s wrong to ruin a nice moment with old issues, so please think of another time to go back to those old talks. Not right now!
4. Expecting the other person to say yes to unrealistic requests after sex
As it’s often portrayed in African movies, expecting your partner to agree to an unrealistic request for a car, money, or an expensive bag because y’all just had a swell time is not ideal! It’s just wrong on all levels, yes a good time could make someone make promises they otherwise won’t make but it’s better not to ask such right after. If they want to give you something special it’s best to let it come from their heart.
5. Complaining about the other person’s body
Having sex with your partner is not a license to complain about their body. If you have concerns about specific things, it’s best to bring it up at a later time not when y’all just had a good time coz it would most likely hurt them and make them insecure than when it’s said at another time. No matter how nicely said, just don’t do it right after sex!
6. Refusing to give compliments or giving the wrong one
If you like something your partner did during sex, it’s okay to say it right after but if you feel there’s something that could have been done better it’s best to say it at a later time and not immediately. The good compliments will boost their confidence in satisfying you and make them want to do better. Discretion is needed!
7. Sleeping off immediately after
Although a lot of people argue that this cannot be helped, it’s still wrong! Sleeping off immediately after you orgasm is not a good way to end a good romp session. A few minutes of cuddle and kisses after won’t hurt so don’t just zzzz right after. Try to stay awake for a little time or sleep talk some sweet words to your partner if you really can’t help it lol
In Conclusion, sex in marriage should be fun before, during, and after. So it’s important to be intentional about the little things, don’t take each other for granted.
What would you add to this list? Which ones have you been doing right after sex that you need to stop?
Kindly share this post.
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[…] You are a couple, enjoy each other. Set the mood even before the act and make it special. After the act don’t run away immediately too. Read 7 things to not do after sex […]