7 Truths to Instil in the Girl Child | International Day of the Girl Child

Today is the international day of the girl child. This day means a whole lot to me than it ever did before because I’m now raising mine. Although, I’ve always been passionate about girl child empowerment and the fight for gender equality which is why in 2017, I started Innovationtod165 Girl Child Outreach. Having said that, this day can’t go without an obligatory post.
Girl children have always been disadvantaged in most parts of the world due to gender inequality and the ancient mentality that boys are more superior.
This has gone on for so long and sadly even up till now in many African homes, the girl children are still regarded as irrelevant.
Our society celebrates male children to a point that they fail to regard the achievements of girls.
Despite all the feminism movements, many have refused to accept that there is a psychological effect that these actions have on females. Today, the world is battling all these factors to ensure that there’s a change in the narrative, however, it’s not a fight for a few every one of us has a role to play in it.
How to Become a Girl child advocate
You can contribute to this movement by joining the fight against discrimination towards the girl-child at all levels.
Let’s strive for a world where all girls have access to a good education without being asked to compromise their personal values. Let’s speak with one voice to break the vicious cycle of girl child exploitation,rape and child labour.
Let’s combat the cultural and religious practices that wage war against the freedom and rights of the girl child.
Everything from child marriages, barbaric practices to female genital circumcision and many other militating issues. Let’s empower and assist as many Girl children as we can so that our community can truly become a safe haven for them.
Teachers, parents and parents to be, here are seven major truths to instil in the Girl child.
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Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable. Happy International Day of the Girl Child Share on XHow are you helping the Girl Children in your local community?
Advocacy for the girl child is very paramount as she has become a prey to pedophiles, rapist, favoritism of the male child over the female child e.t.c. Hence, our collective effort is needed to fight for the survival of the girl child.
Nice write up Tolu. God bless you.
Thank you sis! It indeed takes our collective effort and I hope everyone gets the message