I remember that CBN advert on TV, back when they were introducing the cashless society thing. Iya Oloja’s shop was burning and the woman blamed her for keeping so much money in her shop and she would say ‘Haa Iya Oloja, it’s no longer a matter of cash…’ I love that commercial. But my dear, sometimes it could be a matter of cash oh!
Amanda, a fresh graduate has been dating Ciroma for a little over 2 years. Ciroma has a glorious bank account and a great career. Amanda and Ciroma had it quite rosy at the beginning and they made future plans together. They were that kind of inseparable duo, always attending events together and all.
As time went on, the wind of change began to blow and somehow it appeared to blow only on Ciroma. Ciroma started growing cold and this affected the growth of their relationship.
Amanda never understood the reason for the sudden change in Ciroma’s behavior but she decided to hang on. As Miss goody two shoes
Somehow Amanda heard from a friend that Ciroma was throwing a welcome party for someone, it was shocking to her because Ciroma never planned anything without putting her in the know but this time he didn’t even mention it. She called Ciroma to find out and he gave her the usual excuse. “Sorry, i got caught up with so much work; I didn’t remember to tell you”. Again as ‘Ms. Goody two shoes’, she understood. She asked him if she could attend the party and surprisingly Ciroma declined. He gave the excuse that it wasn’t necessary since it was something official and she won’t know the people there. Yet again, as Ms. Goody two shoes she understood.
Things went on the usual way, and then 3months after the welcome party, Amanda started to hear news that Ciroma was dating the lady he threw the welcome party for. Trust ladies na, even the LAPD, CIA, NYPD, the mentalist, Monk and the rest of them cannot conduct an investigation better than a broken hearted lady…LOL.
Amanda was able to discover that, Ciroma was truly dating the ‘Obodoyibo returnee lady’. The lady had just resumed as Chief Project Officer in one of her father’s company. Let’s call the lady O.B.O (Omo Baba Olowo)
O.B.O and Ciroma had been dating ever since while Amanda was just there, building sand castles. Obviously Ciroma left ‘bread’ for ‘cake’. Some guys would say if the grass is greener on the other side it is time to relocate.
That’s the power of CASH and CLASS.
Money means different things to different people. No matter how handsome or beautiful you are (inside and out) some people won’t even take a second look, because you don’t exude affluence. They regard money as the ultimate factor, some even feel money is a guarantee for happiness and therefore they won’t want to have anything to do with anyone below their class or status….SMH.
In relationships, a lot of men/women have made life errors because of the pursuit of happiness in the wrong places. Does the fact that he/she is rich make him/her a better choice? Or a better choice than what you have now?
He/she might not have reached his or her full potential but who says they won’t get there someday? Some people only want partners who are MD, CEO, Director and so on, in order to boost their ego when in the midst of friends and colleagues. It’s a good thing but is that the most important thing? Everybody has their own stages in life; the fact that he/she is a nobody today doesn’t mean it will be the same forever. For every man/woman there are times and seasons.
If you are in a serious relationship, talk about the financial issues NOW!!! Before he/she leaves you for an O.B.O. Remember wisdom is profitable to direct….don’t just assume find out now.
Talk about career goals, attainment of financial/material wealth, spending attitudes, savings etc. most times the pertinent issues in relationships are over looked and we end up biting our fingers in the end. If you are single, be open about such issues. Any woman/man who won’t stay with you during your planting time should not be a part of your harvest.
Talk about it NOW!!
Have a tremendous week
Follow me @Lqueentt
true but not a welcome idea by many you see my dear “cash” is trying to take over love this day. and even we men now believe we have to make that cash before a girl will love me and that is why if a rich boy see a beautiful girl going out with a poor boy, he approach the girl as-if no one is with her thinking his money can take the girl from the poor man AND AT MUST TIME IT WORK. the girl will start telling some stories and before you know she have left you for that rich one. NOW whom is at fault the
true but not a welcome idea by many you see my dear “cash” is trying to take over love this day. and even we men now believe we have to make that cash before a girl will love me and that is why if a rich boy see a beautiful girl going out with a poor boy, he approach the girl as-if no one is with her thinking his money can take the girl from the poor man AND AT MUST TIME IT WORK. the girl will start telling some stories and before you know she have left you for that rich one. NOW whom is at fault the
Really nice one here I must say 😀 (Y)