Love that defies logic…God’s love for you

I was writing this as a caption for an Instagram post but something in me just nudged me to also share this here. It’s a rather short piece for a blog post but I really hope that it soothes your soul and it serves as a good reminder for you today.
See, there are so many uncertainties in life, things out of your control and drastic life changes that shake you at your very core but one thing you should never ever doubt is God’s love for you.
God doesn’t love you because you love him in return or because you’ve been a “good” person. Nothing you could ever do can possibly earn you the love he so freely bestows. He has loved you even before you were formed. Have you ever stopped to imagine that?
It’s not exactly logical for someone to love you just like that but that’s what makes this love so amazing. Even before you accepted him he already loved you.
This love is profound, wonderful and the depths of it are unimaginable. You really can’t fathom it but the moment you embrace it, the best you could do is express gratitude coz sometimes you might feel undeserving of it.
I try to reflect on this through the highs and lows of life and just constantly remind myself that the creator of the universe is in love with me, so what else could possibly top that? No really, what else?

I hope that this love remains an anchor for you through the storms of life. I really hope that you accept it, acknowledge it and bask in it forever. God’s amazing, everlasting matchless love is the greatest of all.
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”
1 John 3:1 NIV
Wake up every day feeling the invincible hug of God’s love, let it warm your heart and soothe you in those unspoken moments when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.
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