Big thinking precedes big achievement– Wilfred Peterson
For smart people like me on the ride to fulfilling purpose, it’s time for self evaluation. We are already into the second half of the year so it’s the best time to look back on the first six months and see how far you have come with your goals for the year. Take a moment, think. From January up until June, what would you score yourself?
A lot of people are still stuck somewhere trying to figure out what to do, some don’t even have the faintest idea of how to go about bringing their dreams to life, some don’t even have a dream at all, what phase are you currently in?
Do you really have a dream?
Everywhere around you, people sing it, rap it, write it, preach it, speak it…Dream, dream dream. Do you really have any?
Are you still at that point where you are trying to find yours? Oh maybe you once had one, but somehow you abandoned it and took up a less tasking dream. Sound familiar? In one of the places I was privileged to speak I asked some young people what their dreams are and sadly a lot of them told me they didn’t really have any.
Harry Kemp said “The poor man is not he who is without a scent, but he who is without a dream”
Think about it.
You need to start dreaming again, I’m sure you once had one or you probably still do, but do you still constantly remind yourself of what you dream of becoming?
From my personal experiences, I have come to discover that having a dream is one good way to motivate yourself to strive toward excellence. Dreamers are people with stretched imaginations, they believe in their capacity to be more and become all that they were created to be.
Dreamers are visionaries, although they often start out small they can see a bigger picture ahead and they are steady working out ways to ensure that their dreams become a reality.
Often times, as a dreamer you will be criticized or misunderstood just like Mark Zuckerberg rightly stated but that shouldn’t stop you from forging new paths and breaking new grounds. Someone sent me a message calling me over ambitious and blah blah…I spoke about it in this video below. What’s wrong with being ambitious or chasing after your dreams?
Dreamers are not just people who are carried away by wishful thinking, they don’t have their head in the clouds, they know what they want and they concentrate on what’s important. Are you still allowing distractions? Have you made up your mind on what you want out of life? Are you still stuck in that prolonged stage of indecisiveness? Your dreams will never take shape if your mind keeps wavering, you need to take a stand and make that move!
At the beginning of the year, I told God a number of things I wanted to do this year,it was a really long list of things.I have a lot of big dreams but for this year I wrote it all out and took it to God at the watchnight service. Let me list a few;
Publish my book and ebooks
Make more impact through speaking
Start my foundation and Girl Talk events
Have more fun and travel experiences
Give more of my time and resources to better others
Focus more on my potentials
Build more profitable relationships
And many other things I wouldn’t want to list here *winks*
Some of these things I could never do with my natural abilities but God just made it possible by empowering me to be able to do them. Many of my plans didn’t follow my own order but God reordered them and made them work, some are still in the cooks but I know it would all work out by his supernatural power.
Commit your dreams to God’s hand and be ready to work!
It’s important to have a dream but it’s much more important to start doing things that can ensure your dreams become a reality. A lot of young people are afraid of taking steps, afraid of leaving their comfort zone, afraid of obstacles or challenging difficulties etc
You limit your capacity to become more when you do not make a move! Nothing moves until you do!
So be ready to start doing something, the time is Now! Challenge yourself, there’s more to you. Maximize your potentials, live your life to the fullest. Don’t limit your capacity to advance!
My main desire in life is to become all that I was created to be. What’s yours?
Read more on purpose and fulfillment in my new book….Get it for only #1000 Order on Konga or call me on 08145943080 to pick yours
Start taking steps to ensure you live your dream!
Read more books
Write that book
Go on that dream vacation
Change jobs or career path
Acquire that skill
Start using that talent
Join an exercise class
Develop a new prayer and bible study schedule
Don’t stop dreaming but don’t let it end at the dreaming stage, make plans, stretch yourself, start doing something!
Surprise yourself…You are more!
Tell me a few things you planned to do this year that you have done…let’s celebrate our wins together….leave a comment
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Mrs. G
I love everything about this post! Kudos to you for dreaming big and getting out of your comfort zone. I wish you much success in reaching the rest of your goals this year!
Hi, I am so proud of you for taking the proper steps to move into a positive direction with your future. I am especially proud of you for making sure and adding God into your equation because like me, I believe nothing can be accomplish without the grace of God being involved. You are on the right path and seem to have a great head on your shoulders. Keep moving forward and never stop thinking positive thoughts.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Awwww thank you for reading…your comment warmed my heart.xx
Carla Jenkins
I like your process of thinking. I am going to try this.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Thank you Carla
Alexi Thomas (@AlexiAdrianaT)
“Commit your dreams to God’s hand and be ready to work!” That is so real and was SO necessary for me to read! Great post, thank you!
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Yes girl, our dreams can only become a reality if he gives us strength, health and wisdom to carry it out. Thanks for reading BBU ?
Crystal Santoria
I loved this so much! I have already published two books and plan on publishing two more before the year is out. You start to learn to tune out those who don’t see what you see. It’s not about them anyway. I still have way bigger dreams to accomplish besides being an author. An author is just the starting point. It’s getting there.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
That’s right! Mute the voices of naysayers and go after your dreams. Thank for reading Crystal…BBU ?
Such a good post! Definitely adding that book to my wish list.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Thanks for reading….make sure to get a copy. BBU ?
It’s absolutely time for me to evaluate where I am and where I’m headed. Great insight! You’ve got my wheels turning! I’m dreaming and acting on my dreams!
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Yes Kim! Go for gold! Thanks for reading BBU ?
I needed to read this!
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Yaaay Anecia…thanks BBU ?