Love story of PDaniel Olawande and Nifemi Olawande – PhosDoxa 2018: How this Fire Brand Pastor captured an Angel’s heart

Hey, Lovelies!! I’m very delighted to bring you yet another true love story. The love story of these two is truly inspiring, electrifying and edifying altogether. PDaniel who happened to be on my list of most eligible bachelors in RCCG is finally bowing out of the bachelor’s club just like BeejaySax and Femi Oyewunmi. PDaniel has found an angel specially crafted for him and you can just tell that they are very much in love with each other. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen grab your popcorn bag and drink as we journey through the captivating love story of PDaniel and Nifemi.

How and Where did you two meet?
Nifemi : The first time I saw Ayomi was at the RCCG Youth centre during the convention of 2016, he led prayers and scattered everywhere.I told my friend Moyosore Adegbite and I kept wondering who he was. So much strength.
But then It wasn’t like I was physically interested in Him.
I kept seeing him and I just admired his passion for God.
The beginning of 2017 was a major year for me, I attended the PSF workers retreat in February and I had a major mind shift that made me decide and tell God,
“God this year, I just want to love you and influence everyone around me. No relationships, no feelings or crushes?. just me and you.”
This led to my decision to start the school of disciples where he was the coordinator and I just got myself involved with the church.
Then March 2017, He started 12 hours praying in the Holy Ghost on redemption camp where I live, and I just knew I wanted to be there. My first time there, I left there crazy with his depth of the word and his passion.
Each SOD class, I would leave crying and go home with a new mind shift. I told my mum about him everytime he taught us. He ignited a passion for God in me. I remember would just find myself praying for him and anytime he ministers or sings any of his songs “Aya iya iya“ Ohhh the excitements were heavenly. I remember Moyosore Adegbite would tease me that I should go and meet PDaniel jor.
Since I won’t let them rest at home.
During these times, I still wasn’t interested in Him, I didn’t even know such spiritual men could love the way he loves me now. But he didn’t know me then, He would greet me but didn’t know me personally until it was time for our SOD outreach.
We went to a village called ITELE in Ogun state to preach the gospel so he came along.
I still had my deal with God not to like any guy and also was planning to go back to school for another degree and marriage was to come 2020 in my mind, lol.
During the program, I was with Moyo Adegbite and he kept coming to talk to us, and we started talking. I backed up for him when he ministered, he loved my voice. We got talking and we discovered we like the same generals, I was listening to the same men he listened to, he offered to be my mentor and now we are here.
PDaniel : I lectured her during school of disciples, I didn’t really know her but I remember a day I was at Car Park C she gave myself and another brother a ride. That day I jokingly asked her, when she would get married and she said in the year 2020. I laughed and teased her, saying that by then my kids would be calling her aunty. We all laughed and that was it.
However, the day I really saw her face and knew her name was the day we went for an evangelical outreach in ITELE, Ogun state in October 2017. I just couldn’t stop looking at her and then I walked up to her and we started a conversation.
How long was your courtship for?
PDaniel : After we met on the 11th of October 2017, we became good friends after we started talking. I prayed about her and told my Pastor about her immediately coz I felt like the Lord was leading me to her. My pastor asked me to go ahead and pray again. 6 days after we met I told her I would like to start a relationship with her and she asked if I was sure. On the 5th of December 2017, she agreed to marry me. Our courtship has been on for 6 months

What was the proposal like?
Nifemi Olawande :
So he asked me to marry him on the 5th of December, 2017 in front of all the workers in PSF at the youth centre, Redemption camp and it was so surreal. I could hardly move, I was stunned.
My choir director Tobi Oyeleye (Gbams) told me to go upstage to back up, and Pastor Leke called him (PDaniel) to come pray for a new church. As he was about to pray he started singing and it was right there he went on his knees asking me to marry him… I then realized I had been set up… ?I said yes… And we were prayed for.
It was so beautiful.
PDaniel Olawande: The proposal was epic! I spoke to Pastor Leke Adeboye and he encouraged me to do a public proposal, he gave me hints on what to do. He called me up on stage to say prayers, people thought I was actually coming to pray however I had already made plans with her friends. I started singing our soon to be released single “IFEREPO” and the ladies surrounded her threw roses and I went on my knees. I said these exact words to her, “People always ask me why I always smile,
But until I met you, I never knew you were the reason for my smile
Please can I be the reason for your smile?” She stretched forth her two hands and said yes and I put a ring on it.
What do you like the most about each other?
Nifemi : Daniel Olawande is a goal getter, he knows how to pursue his dreams and passion and he puts me to work as well. When he loves, he loves completely. He can sacrifice anything for something he loves.
He is down to earth, if you see him play with his church members, you won’t identify the pastor. Ayomi (as I fondly call him) is my excitement, I can be very shy being the introvert that I am, but there is no dull moment with him. He is so sweet and romantic, I never experedit?.
You need to see him talk to my parents, my mum always hates to see him leave whenever he visits, they are so close that I get jealous, he knows how to relate to everyone. However, the best part is his wisdom, I believe God especially blessed him with wisdom. He is my teacher, my mentor, my guide, my assistant Holy Spirit? lol…
He will tell me somethings and I’m like God bless your source of wisdom. He is so smart, I’m so happy my children will be smart and love God just like he does.
Do I need to emphasize on how much he loves God? I don’t think so, seeing his face alone you want to speak in tongues. Haya!???
PDaniel : Oh, my Nifemi! The things I love about her! I love her spirit, that’s the most important thing to me. She has a very strong contagious spirit. Whenever we pray together, I hear God clearly I get clear direction. I love her voice and her beauty, she’s very beautiful. I love everything about her but those three things, her spirit, her voice and her beauty top the charts.
How do you picture your future together?
Nifemi : Before I agreed to start a relationship with him, I was sure God had a purpose for bringing us together, He brought us together for some kingdom assignments which he always confirms anytime we hold hands to pray, as a matter of fact, our wedding date was given during prayers and we just told our parents and they agreed.
So what I see is a kingdom marriage, a joining that God is excited about. I can already forsee our kingdom children. Children who will fight the enemy at the gate. I don’t want to go into details but the things God has said to do…the best way to explain is PHOSDOXA
PDaniel : Ah! Fire! When fire and flame meet, it becomes flames of fire. When I met her, I asked her what her purpose is, she said her purpose is to make ladies burn for God while mine is to set men (male and female inclusive) on fire for God. I look forward to a marriage where we are both terrors to the kingdom of darkness, we heal the sick, set captives free, touring nations of the world and doing exploits for God. I picture a loving family, a very romantic marriage. Firetic and romantic! A family of prayer, we pray in the holy ghost, study God’s word, love ourselves and above all fulfil our purpose together.
Any advice for singles still waiting?
Nifemi : Hmmnn my word for singles…
When my Ayomi came, I was seeking God, and he found me in God. He told me he wasn’t particularly physically attracted to me but he just found out that he kept coming to me. It was like there was a drawing of both spirits. It was in a village, I wasn’t looking all pretty at the time, not at all.
But when we got talking it was like we had known each other for years and he told me deep calleth unto the deep…
Adam knew his wife the moment she came because he had known her in the spirit.
If your spirit is connected to God, your spirit bears witness.
I also made sure that he was in love with me before I said yes to the relationship at all. Apart from the spiritual part, I was sure I wasn’t the only one giving the love, he looooovvvvves me so much.
So please, love God first and seek Him, and He will settle you in due time.
PDaniel : Yeah…My advice for singles still trusting God.
Don’t be afraid to come out of a wrong relationship or something you are not sure of. Don’t say my reputation is at stake, allow God lead you. However mind the way you close the door to a relationship, gently close it don’t bang it. Be assured that God is still in the business of leading people, he led me to Nifemi in fact he had prepared her for me. Just be in sync with the spirit and be prayerful. God will definitely lead you to the right one.

Tell us a little about your new single “IFEREPO”
PDaniel: Concerning our upcoming single, IFEREPO is one of the first songs God gave to me. It’s a song that just depicts God’s love for us, the extent of his love towards us right from creation. People think its a love song about us but the whole idea behind the song is that we both love God and as much as we love each other we love God so much more than that. It just basically talks about the love of God and you know when you love God you can love anybody.
There you have it guys, the much-requested love story of PDaniel and Nifemi. I hope you found it as captivating and romantic as I earlier said.
LQUEENWRITES wishes this beautiful couple a blissful, fruitful and purpose fulfilling union, Kindly drop a congratulatory message for them before you leave.
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