Practical ways to rekindle love after a BIG fight|

Loving someone is not the easiest thing in the world! Let’s face it, no human being is perfect which is why when you sign up to truly love someone, it means you are committing to loving and accepting them flaws and all.
So you learn to focus on all the positive things about them and blind zone the negatives.
Frankly, love relationships cannot be lovey dovey all the time and no matter how incredibly you love that guy or lady, you guys would disagree on so many things during the course of your relationship or marriage.
Love also comes with strife in the package so be ready for all that too darling…lol!
Also Read: Accepting your lover’s flaws
I remember having a heated argument with my lover in 2017, jeez he was so freaking annoying! Anyway after both of us had apologized to each other I still found that I had this emotional build up of anger towards him.
Several days after, I was still low key mad and this made everything awkward in the house coz honestly I really had forgiven him but it was difficult to take my mind off the issue. So here’s what I did to get my mind off it all; Enjoy!
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Everything I share is my truth! This helped me rekindle the love towards my life partner and I believe it would work for you also.Let me know what you think.
It’s got BTS footage from my wedding. Watch till the end I promise you’ll love it.
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Thanks guys.
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