Enjoying the cool afternoon breeze, Ona got out of her office to have lunch. On getting to the cafeteria, it was quite crowded. She left the cafeteria and decided to go to the eatery down the road.
Entering the premises, she parked behind a grey Honda civic, in a way that would obstruct the owner upon his/her exit. After buying her food,she rushed back to the parking lot and saw a young man (the owner of the Honda Civic) waiting for the owner of the Highlander to reverse, so he could leave the premises. Ona apologized to the young man.
But mehn! The guy was a sight to behold, he had very radiant eyes and a smile that can light up a room. They talked for a while, exchanged cards and afterwards each person drove off.
His name was Vincent and he was really cute, as in really cute. He works as the manager of a medium scale enterprise not too far from Ona’s office. Ona on the other hand, works as a senior supervisor at Eldorado Plc. Although pretty young, she had risen fast to the top of her career. She was a good example of Miss Independent. Before long, Ona and Vincent started having lunch together most times at the same eatery where they met. Since the attraction was mutual, a relationship soon sprung up between them.
Ona was happy about her relationship and decided to share the news with her friends. However, the responses she got from them were far different from what she expected. One of her friends,Erica said ‘he doesn’t belong in your class, Ona’. Tochi, a friend and colleague said, ‘you better be careful of all these good looking poor guys, I’m sure your salary is three times more than what he earns’. That statement kept ringing in Ona’s heart.
However, Ona and Vincent kept on with their relationship. Vincent was such a sweetheart, he treated Ona like a princess and she was beginning to love him.
It was really difficult for Ona because, her friends and most importantly her family were against the relationship. Her mother would say, ‘Ona you are the one marrying a wife oh because whoever earns more money, is the man of the home’.
The only person who didn’t see things from that perspective was Ona’s eldest brother, he always advised her not to listen to anyone, as long as it felt right,she should carry on. He would always say, ‘things will definately get bettter for Vincent so long as he is hardworking’. That was the only person who stood by Ona and gave words of encouragement.
Dear reader, what are your thoughts on this? As a lady, can you marry a man who earns lesser than you do? Guys, can you enter into a relationship with a lady who earns three times your monthly salary? Does it really matter?
When I heard this story,I remembered the Michelle and Barack Obama love story. They met at a law firm in Chicago, she was way ahead of him and she was supposed to be his tutor when he came in as a summer associate but from there their love story began and now he’s no longer that same summer associate, he is the President of the United States and for that reason she is the First Lady of the United States.
In the seventh verse of the eigth chapter of the book of Job, the bible says ‘Though your beginning is small, your latter end shall greatly increase’. As far as I am concerned, we should not despise the days of humble beginnings, he might not have it all now but if he has great potentials then he will have a bright future.
Many a times, we ladies are carried away by the things we see, forgetting that the worth of a man is not based on the value of his possessions.
Anyone has the capacity to become anything, so do not look at what you see on the outside. There is more to a person than what the eyes can see.
Enough of my opinion, I don’t wanna preach here…..what is your opinion on this? Does class/rank/status really matter in love? Does the fact that a woman earns more in a relationship/marriage make her the man?
Please I really wanna hear from you this time…READ,SHARE AND COMMENT.
It might help someone else out there.
Follow me: @Lqueentt
The woman needs humility to conquer & d man shld love her so as 2 get her submissiveness- Apostle Paul urged d husbands 1st to love & care 4 their wives before encouraging the wives to submit & respect their husbands. A times in dis kind of situatn where d wife earns more, she might not be d one who‘s pompous. It could be dat d man is intimidated by wat she has. So men shld nt loose their self-esteem bcos their wives are taking d financial lead. Wives shld be humble as God resists d proud & husbands shld be supportive & wud see how submissive highly-paid wives could be…
Thank you great minds. I have really learnt a lot today. I met a woman at my former place of work. n a second,I knew she called the shot at home,as she flaunted the fact that she was sponsoring d family of 4 to the UK. As d husband looked on like a zoombie or betterstill,’yes-ma’am dude. LQ,has cleared that assertion that all women r like that. The blunt and trying truth is that,this will happen to one or a couple of us(that’s life for you). Guess,these truths/facts ll be the spark of light in your dark hour. Conclusively,let us free our minds from traditions(like okunrin lada et al) ‘there is nothing we have that we are we are not given’. God is the giver of all good things. With this thought,I’m more humbled cos I know I’m His steward and I re-present d King. God bless you! God bless dear LQ!!
Thanks DD,God bless u too dearie
Another fantastic piece Tolu :)…definitely a food for thought.
Thanks d1
After all thats been said, i really think money is not and issue in any relationship that kicked off on the right foot, cos thats the foundation of every BUILT TO LAST relationship (kicking of on the right foot), i have a lot of female friends and 90% of them are “richer” than i am, but the one the i have with them is the respect i have earned. we leave in a society were MONEY talks and i know thats y ona’s friends and mum r on her neck about quitting the whole thing. but like i said if the relationship started on the right foot, Money wont be an issue. i think i can testify to that, cos my wife to be is FAR richer than me now, she earns about 5 times what i earn now, but d love we share is based on trust and friendship, in my little way i express my love by traveling about 19 hours just to spend 2 days with her, and buy her the things i KNOW she NEEDS b4 she gets them, yes it takes a lot of communication, savings and planning but it is not impossible. Above all we CONSCIOUSLY choose to be different from everyone else in d issue of relationship, so 3rd party and by talks are not things we listen to, yes there are sometimes when richer guys flaunt what they have to impress her, but she knows money cant buy friendship, love, peace and happiness, cos if u have these(friendship, love, peace and happiness) only God can put a stop to that relationship.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.wat an own opinion, as far as there is love , mutual understanding and its d will of God.who says d man cant earn more later.all dat matters is dat there’s income to raise and meet there needs. And to the ladies,if u a in such position dont act lyk God its a priviledge, above all be submissive.
Yea so long as there’s enof income for feeding and it is d will of God. Submissiveness is key.
Tnx sis
Obateru Funmilayo
That a woman earns more than her man doesn’t or shouldn’t make her the man in the relationship.D key attribute missing in d life of any woman who can’t love her man perfectly bcos of his social status is HUMILITY.If u hav a man who is hardworking,Godfearing&as a gd Vision,u can b sure his status will b better&u’ll also benefit from it as his woman. D most important thing is love a man for who he is &nt what he is bcos wen something goes wrong with what he,who he is sustains ur relationship.
That’s right HUMILITY…tnx fr reading sis
Wat is rit is rit no matter wat.
I dont think its bad for a man to love/marry a woman with a higher pay-grade. Its just that some women believe that since they earn more,the man should be more or less,the woman. I think time should be given,and patience exercised in the relationship.
U r right,its that wrong mentality or belief on our part that I’m trying to address…tnx dear. God bless u
I feel one major thing dat kills d relationship is d third party thing….do what u feel is right in ur own opinion n talk less to pple about how much u or ur spouse earns….must everyone know who is paying d bills? Even when u buy things,u can still make ur husband feel like he bought it by saying u bought it with d token he gave u (even when d money isn’t enuf in actual sense)….once u fEel ryt about d guy (I don’t mean falling heels over head with d guy o)..lyk u r in ur ryt senses n u can feel good with d guy,then go ahead n let ur parents c reasons with u….others’ opinions don’t matter a bit…God help us all sha…it is well
Tayoooo…as in u are right. 3rd party kills a relationship. God help us…It is well oh
Mr Banky
Dear writer,you have said it all with the analogy of Barak and Michelle Obama and also the scripture from the book of Job.
By and large, everything and every decision is all about choice. The choices we make determines how far we go in life.
This is my submission.
Dear reader, thank u so much for reading. As u said, at the end of the day its d choices we make dat determine the path our lives will take…God help us all
Eric David
it doesn’t matter if the wowan earn more money than the man,my advice is if both of them are compatable they should go ahead with the relationship.
That’s right…as long as it is the will of God. The man will definately get to the top
Well I think most wifes earning much more than the husbands are usually very proud and pompus, a minute with the couples in their homes and u can guess who’s actually paying more of the bills…I just think its in Women DNA to be that way when they earn more, unless she’s a woman after God’s heart
I quite agree wiv u,Andy. But thank God u said most and not all, a woman with the fear of God will know that her husband is her crown whether or not she’s the bread winner of the family. Thanks fr reading