Last week I had the privilege to meet a very good singer, he is a bike (okada) man but he sings really well.
You can view the video below or you can also check here to read on how we met and sang together.
The video was all over Instagram and I’m sure he got over 5,000 views from the major pages that reposted it. He felt over the moon, it made him so happy when I showed him.
His full name is Tony Agbo Enenche, he is from Benue state. He is a student of Ogun State Institute of Technology(OGITECH) Igbesa.
Tony is a dedicated choir member at his local assembly.
Ever since I met Tony, I have discovered that he is very passionate about music. Last week, he got a lot of call cards from kind hearted people, encouraging text messages, invitation to minister and invitation for interviews on radio.
Tony has not had a very easy life but he is very hardworking. He has worked in several places as a sales boy, waiter and many other blue collar jobs just to make ends meet. He left his town in Benue to come to Lagos and hustle for survival.
This is the life of the ordinary Nigerian, the seemingly unimportant ones. My point in all of these,is that I want to implore you to stop looking down on anyone. Everybody deserves to be loved, appreciated and respected regardless of their social class.
Life did not give us all equal opportunities,so be thankful for what you have and for who you are. You should also show kindness to the less privileged ones around you.
You don’t necessarily have to give them money all the time but show them that you care and that you respect them regardless of their situation.
That your house girl who is working so hard might have been a graduate like you if she had the chance, that your mechanic you always shout at might have been a rich man if life gave him better opportunities.
Be kind to them regardless, treat people with respect even if they are of the low class according to society.
We were all created equally, it’s important to tolerate, accept and love everyone just like God expects of us.
I hope you and I can imbibe this attitude and relate well with people regardless of their social class.
Be honest with me, do you know the full name of that your security man? Did you even care to ask the name of that your cleaner’s child that she brings along when coming to clean for you? Do you know the name of that your driver’s children or what local government he is from?
All these people need love, we all need love. We all want to be accepted and respected.
Be nice to someone today! Show Kindness to someone today!
We must be kindred spirit. This same message kept creeping into my mind all through the weekend up till now. I started to write a post on it but I have not gotten round to finish it. I agree with you and I think we should all learn to show kindness and love irrespective of age or class.
I saw the video the other day on your IG page and I had goosebumps.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Hahaha we are really of the same Kindred…that Ondo blood is strong!
thanks for reading dear. It’s very important for us to love and respect everyone