5 Easy Steps to Start Blogging with just Phone

Hey Lovelies, I believe everyone is doing really well today. Lately I have been getting questions related to blogging from newbie bloggers and those just about to start blogging . For this reason, I decided to share my knowledge from my almost 5 years of blogging in this series to help you get started and build a profitable blog with a highly engaged audience.
In this particular post, I’m going to do a beginner guide on how to start a blog with just your phone. When people hear the word blogging, some people feel you have to a tonne of technical equipments and techy know how to get started, however that’s not the case. It’s super easy to start blogging with your phone at first until you are ready to invest in laptop and professional camera.
For beginners, you can start a blog with just your phone then gradually grow your blog and online brand from there. You’ll definitely need more equipments as time goes on but that shouldn’t deprive you from starting right now!
When I started my blog in 2012, all I had was my blackberry phone and my laptop(which I rarely used considering that I couldn’t afford modem data/WiFi at the time, I only used it to type lengthy articles) I didn’t have any prior experience or knowledge of building a website or whatever I just started with the basics.
So here’s how to start your blog with just your phone.
1. Find a niche and think of a blog name.
To start blogging, first of all you need to find a niche and come up with a name for it, you don’t need a computer to do any of these, all you need is to do some soul searching as to what kind of topics interest you and the kind of things you are passionate aboutThe most important thing you need to start blogging is to find a niche and choose a blog name Share on X
For me, I knew I was very passionate about relationships and personal development so I started with that. My blog is majorly centered around helping people build and sustain quality relationships and also providing tips on self/growth, goals and purpose fulfillment. So what are your major interests? Fashion? Music? Gossip? (Lol) Makeup? Hair? Faith? Find your own niche.
What would you like to name your new blog?
2. Choose a Platform to start blogging with
Most bloggers start out with free platforms at first and then later grow to become self hosted or full fledged websites. I think it’s okay to start blogging with a free platform at first so you won’t be bothered about Web hosting just yet, additionally, you’ll get a professional blog theme for free. One of the things I am most grateful for in my blogging career is that I started with WordPress. If you can afford it I always suggest using WordPress and hosting on Bluehost. They have the best web hosting platform and almost every blogger swears by them. I switcged to Bluehost in 2019 and I have been loving it so far.
A lot of advanced bloggers had to switch from blogging platforms like Blogger, Wix, squarespace and the likes to WordPress because they couldn’t get the techy functions that WordPress offers so it’s best to go with WordPress and use Bluehost for your web hosting to avoid having to make any switches later in like I had to do last years.
Although WordPress is a little more complex than most of the other platforms, it offers the best deals when it comes to plugins,themes and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) we’ll get into that much later. So what platform would you go for?
3. Write Content: Start Blogging, Write Away!
After you have chosen your platform and registered,the next thing is to create content for your blog. Once you start blogging , you need to create content for it as often as possible. You’ll need to write content for your pages & posts. Pages are usually fixed ie. The about page, welcome page, contact page etc. Posts are the actual blogs that you write and publish from time to time.
Look for good titles and write quality content that will captivate readers, propel feedback and keep them coming back to your blog. You can check established blogs to get inspiration on writing/aligning your blog posts. Open WordPress in your phone browser, go to your dashboard and create a new Post. Voila! You are a blogger now! How do you feel after writing a good blog post?
4. Photos
One of the most important things to blogging is images. With your phone you can capture images that suit your blog posts. In my early years I didn’t always see the need to put images into my blog posts but over the years I have learnt that the post images are equally as important as the words written.
Images will help attract people when you share on social media platforms, they also add more depth to your post. Once you start blogging and intend to take it seriously, you must be ready to learn photography to some extent. That thing they say about a picture speaking more than a thousand words, yes it applies to blogging too.
Take your own photos and edit them to look more professional, search the web for free stock images that depict what your post is about. Outsource photo editing services to save time and get high-quality results. We help studios, photographers, and e-commerce store owners edit photos. We are a well-reputed top-ranked image editing company in Bangladesh serving since 2010. In addition to that, you can design Blogpost images for each post with easy apps like quotes creator or Canva. Later on you’ll learn the much techy ones that require computers or tablets or advanced subscription, apps like Canva, PicMonkey, Vsco , Adobe Photoshop etc
What photo editing apps do you use right now?
5. Social Media Shares
The greatest mistake anyone could make in blogging is to write a good Blogpost and go to sleep. It’s ridiculous to spend an incredible amount of time creating quality content and yet nobody gets to see it.
It doesn’t matter how good your content is, if you don’t enable social media sharing plugins and publicize your posts it will be invincible. The blogosphere is a very competitive place, you have to tirelessly share your posts to keep your traffic stable.
So now that you decided to start blogging,it’s your job to share your blog posts to everywhere and anywhere. From Facebook to Twitter to WhatsApp to Instagram to Stumble upon to BlogLovin and the amazing Pinterest. Advanced bloggers know the value of using Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog. Furthermore,there are scheduling platforms that can help you share your posts, I use hootsuite and viral tag. You can either post yourself or try the scheduling apps too. Facebook now has a scheduling function, super cool!
Which of your social media platforms has the most numbers? Exploit it.
With the above in mind, you can easily start blogging with just your phone and a good data plan. Get your pen and note, plan your posts based on topics in your niche, write blog posts and share with everyone. I tried to make this post as simple as possible in layman language to make it easy for beginners.
In this blogging series I would also cover/teach you how to;
- Build a highly engaged audience from scratch
- Use your blog as a platform for other businesses
- Maximize Mailchimp functions for quality newsletters that sustain your audience
- Optimize your blog posts: SEO for beginners
- How I moved from 600 page views to over 5000 page views
- Easy ways to monetize your blog
I hope you don’t miss out on any of these upcoming helpful posts, subscribe to get new blogpost notifications, information about my e-courses and newsletters.
I believe you found all these tips helpful.
Any questions, suggestions or specific blogging topics you would like me to cover in this series kindly comment below and I’ll definitely reply. Have a blog you’ll like me to check out? drop a comment below.
Kindly share this post to help someone out there.
[…] products, Start your own photo studio, Start your own clothing line, Start that YouTube channel. Start that blog. Start that side […]
I am so interested in how to use Mailchimp. I already have it set up and I have quite a number of subscribers…I just feel so lazy about figuring it out!
This is a very good post and quite insightful.
Tolu L'queen Oluwaseyi-Daniel
Awww thanks a lot Deb, I had you in mind for the Mail chimp tutorial. I’ll try and break down as easy as possible. I love your new blog theme, go get em girl! Good job!