5 Loving Things your partner really wants you to say

Let’s not pretend we don’t like to hear loving words from our partners, even those of us who try to form hard guy sometimes can admit, that there are certain endearing words that tickle our minds in a very special way. I’m sharing 5 loving words you should say to your partner in this post. Enjoy 😉

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What I’ve learnt in 3 years of marriage….First year experience

It’s so surreal to think I’ve been married for 3 great years now! I’ve learnt a myriad of lessons and I’m still in the learning process however this post became pertinent because of my darling newly wed folks having their First year experience and those who often slide into my DM asking questions and expressing concerns. Enjoy this!

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The reality of being a Pastor’s child goes beyond what you see in church on Sunday morning. Although most of us appear very put together, dressed in our exalted suits, ties knotted, shoes shining, berets looking banging, hats looking hearty and dresses looking dazzling there’s a lot we have to go through behind the scenes.

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And Another One + I am Grateful for my Life

If anyone had told me some of the blessings I have received this year would come my way, I’d have laughed in unknown tongues like who dash monkey banana ? Well, here we are in the eighth month and all I can say is that my 2017 has been lit, not without the usual highs and lows but…..

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