Sometimes ago, we were having our Annual sister’s program and the guest speakers were so on point. They talked about turning a house into a home, the kind of meals that puts a smile on a man’s face, the effectiveness of a prayerful wife, making him proud of you and so much more. Great talks I must say, an aspiring wife and mother like me gained a lot from them.
If I can recall correctly, during one of the sessions, one of the speakers asked if we’ll like to marry a ‘church brother’ and a good number of us said ‘No’. “Now that’s something to worry about”, she said and then she asked the ushers to pass papers round, requesting that we should fill the reasons why we didn’t want church brothers. Now don’t conclude yet, I am going somewhere.
My Dear Brother in the Lord, Calvary greetings in Jesus Name. I’ll like to give you information on the reasons why some of us don’t really listen to you or take you seriously. It is something of joy to marry a God-fearing man, who is dedicated to the things of God, someone who would not only be a husband but also a priest over you and your kids. However, some things are not just okay.
Let me start from here, some good looking church brothers with glorious bank accounts don’t even dress well, they have one particular black trouser for every Sunday. Haba! Boda James, what happened to grey, brown, navy blue and all the other colours? Some will even knot their tie like the village headmaster, enough of the wide ties Bro….Try the thin sleek ones na or you can use a bow tie.
Some brothers will wear striped shirt on striped trousers and they want the sister with the finest gown in church. Bro! The lord will help you with that one oh! The thing is, it’s not a question of money/status but present yourself in a suitable way. Who says a brother in the lord cannot rock the most fashionable clothing trends and still not lose his salvation?
Another thing is some brothers’ act so spiritual when they are trying to ask a lady out. They can start with words like ‘Sister Tolu, we need to talk but first shall we pray…’ seriously??? Bro. in matters like that you should have said your prayers in your bedroom and then when you see the sister go straight to the matter on ground. No binding and casting required abeg.
On to the next one, some brothers who eventually succeed in wooing a gloriously packaged sister can be very unromantic. Not in that way oh…..oya bring your mind back abeg. I mean, which one be ‘sister Wande’ again after you have been together for over 3months? What happened to Baby, Sweetheart, Dearie etc. Are they worldly things too? It is well with you oh my brother.
Some brothers will only buy Bible and Christian literature for their fiancée. Trust me, that’s really great coz I love books but bros try buying other things too na. What happened to all the beautiful dresses, purses, shoes and bags at the mall? Let her look good too na.
Some brothers will never think of being creative and spring surprises. Why not try visiting her at work one day, must it always be at church after weekly service? The lord will empower you sir oh. And then some brothers don’t know how to compliment their woman. Haba! Boda Paul you better start giving the compliments before she starts appreciating the one coming from another brother in the ushering unit who compliments her right from the church entrance.
Some brothers are so spiritual, that they can’t even talk about their relationship when in the midst of brethren. I’m not saying you should announce it on the altar but at least let people know na. That way she’ll know you are proud of her.
Another thing I really don’t like is that some brothers are not good listeners. Whenever you have a problem and you try to express it to them, they’ll just cut you short and say ‘Take it to the lord in prayer’. Yes we know that bro but why are you her fiancé then? The lord will help you oh!
There are so many things I would have loved to point out but these are the few I can talk about right now. To my Beloved Brothers, No hard feelings intended. I just took it upon myself to point these things out for the good of all of us. Believe me, you are the best kind of men to marry just some little adjustments and we’ll be ok. This doesn’t apply to all Church Brothers anyway but I know a lot of us can relate to this. May God help us all.
Have a great week.
Follow me @Lqueentt
12 Qualities to look for in a spouse as a Christian Nigerian | LQUEENWRITES
[…] for their ability to find humour in the every day creates a bond that lightens the journey. Not all those brothers that will be stronging face everytime in the name of holiness. God help […]
[…] We can’t wait for the unveiling of the precious sister designed for our brother in the lord […]
LMAOOO ….its v true sha.
LMAOOO ….its v true sha.
Funny piece….. Tell ’em ooo
This is some funny stuff>>>>TO THE SISTERS WHO LOVE THE LORD<<<<<<
ehn ehn @damifadugba so you turned me down because of this haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa verily verily i say unto you am a changed person now courtesy this writeup so Sister Dammy sorry Babe can we pick up where we left off
Seriously, this write up is on point
ehn ehn @damifadugba so you turned me down because of this haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa verily verily i say unto you am a changed person now courtesy this writeup so Sister Dammy sorry Babe can we pick up where we left off
Seriously, this write up is on point
sis tolu, u v spoken wel bt i partly agree wt u on som of ur points. Lets nt forget rom8v14 cos the Spirit searcheth al truth. I think the ladies should b more sincere while in search of love especially havin noticed a potential bro. How? Be humble enough to welcom a hand in friendshp that wil gv room for an opportunity to make an impact. Rather than mak it an issue u murmur or complain abt. Prove the reason for ur creation, try ‘help meet a need’. If things dont work, then u nt his help meet. Xtian v got an heritage dat shldnt b xchanged for anything. I bet u, som men which they cld b so humble to pet their wives as sis.
Brodaz, pls letz learn to talk abt a potential sis with brethren, its health.
hahahahaaa, real n worthy of applause. I personally ad issues wt all dos factors u pointed out, bt hw cn u tell a bro dt u’r turning him dwn cos of all ds,,u go carry ”carnal sister label noni”
thanks l’queen…help us tell them o
A lot Ø̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ things cracked me up, especially d part Ø̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ ‘take it 2 d Lord in prayer’. Tis a lovely piece! Loved it from start 2 finish!!!
A lot Ø̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ things cracked me up, especially d part Ø̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ ‘take it 2 d Lord in prayer’. Tis a lovely piece! Loved it from start 2 finish!!!
Dammy Bada
Please tell them o
Akeredolu Ayooluwatumininu
I’m still laughing, love it
hmmmmm…. “Sista tolu” lol I cannt help laughing.Really, this is a gud piece and very fundamental to the survival of a close relationship.Keep it up dear u’r going places.
hmmmmm…. “Sista tolu” lol I cannt help laughing.Really, this is a gud piece and very fundamental to the survival of a close relationship.Keep it up dear u’r going places.