It was already five weeks since I submitted the first proposal, I needed that project more than anything. It was almost impossible to trust when I had nothing to work with. My faith was wobbling, I knew I couldn’t ask people for help, I really wanted to do this on my own.
I had sold all my equipments and I had nothing to work with even if another smaller project came. The money from that project was not only for profit, I needed it to set up everything and start all over.
I called severally, I sent many follow up emails but nothing happened. I knew that I deserved to get it, I felt like no one else would understand the project as much as I did, I had put in so much. Pulled all-nighters to ensure that my proposal was top-notch but nothing happened.
After a while, I got tired of getting the usual we’ll get back to you, I stopped calling. I got really frustrated with the entire waiting process, after all, they need this just as much as I do.
I prayed about it, again and again, at some point I resolved to stop bugging God with my single prayer point and I decided to forget about it. It wasn’t an easy choice, I had those moments where my mind would drift and I’ll caution myself instantly.
I realized that thinking about that one thing I really wanted, made me blind to the other beautiful things that were happening in my life. So I decided to stop and just focus on what was and not what would eventually be.
To be able to trust God in difficult times, you must be ready to :
Take responsibility for what you allow to creep into your mind
The reason the bible says guard your heart with all diligence is because every good or bad thing is first conceived in the heart if the what ifs keep clouding your mind they would only birth an increased level of fear. Fear will cripple your capacity to see the evidence of those things you hope for,
Take a moment to think about the things that are working in your life as opposed to the things that are not.
You might not be married yet but you have a great career, you might not have a baby yet but you have a great marriage. You might not be as rich as you want but you can still afford a decent accommodation and feeding.
On the days when I feel really down and less motivated, I think of my son Jason and the many people who would wish they had such a cutie as a child, I think of the moments when he shouts “Mama” when he wants to request for a candy or biscuit. I think of the unexpected hugs and “I love you” texts from my husband and I realize that though I don’t have it all, what I have is worth being thankful for. So I choose to savour these beautiful moments instead of dwelling on the things that make me sad or disappointed.
Take time to revisit your most encouraging scriptures.
This has an instantaneous effect on me, so it’s definitely my most recommended faith booster. Reading scriptures has a way of reviving your sleeping faith and awakening your belief in God’s promises. My favourite scripture of all times is;
Psalms 34:5. “They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.” King James Version (KJV)
I read this scripture and quote it in all my difficult moments because it reminds me that if I continually look unto him, I will not be put to shame. I also have a myriad of others that I read habitually to replenish my heart with its supply of God’s promises, amongst them are the following;
Another favourite of mine is;
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
Make Daily declarations or confessions to boost your trust in God
This is one thing I always do to stay encouraged, I have some confession/prayer devotionals that I use and I also take a lot directly from the scriptures. It’s a way of reaffirming my trust in God and letting the devil know that regardless of how I feel, my faith is unshaken.
One thing I have seen proven is that God would always show up for those who hold on and trust in him. Several years ago when I thought I would lose my father to a stroke, he got completely restored with no traces of a stroke at all just by keying into a prophetic declaration. That is one of the experiences that built my faith and trust in God.
In conclusion, I’ve found that when I take the above steps seriously that is, when I really do regularly choose to savour these gifts and promises from God–it is so much easier for me to discover joy in a trial.
Remember that regardless of the situation, you have a God who is capable of doing all things. Jeremiah 32:27
So back to my story at the beginning of the post, out of the blues I got the call and they gave me the project to handle, they made payments in full, I was able to buy the equipment I needed and save some. I was overjoyed, I was already at that point where I had given up on it but God did not forget my prayers and supplication on the issue. I’m still trusting him for so much more I’m certain he would come through.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart! He will make a way!
Tell me what you do to stay encouraged in difficult situations and kindly share this post to encourage people on your timeline.
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