Hello, Lovelies!!! I’m so delighted to share the fascinating true love story of Olalekan “Elgee” Adesina and my beautiful namesake Tolulope Akinsanya. If you don’t know Elgee, he’s one of the handsome guys or can I call them Sweet boys from my list of Most Eligible bachelors in RCCG, you can read his profile in that post. Oh well, he’s about to bow out of bachelorhood and we are so happy for him.
You guys know how much I love to post true love stories of young couples who build a healthy and flourishing relationship that others can learn from. These two have a love story that is endearing, funny and inspiring altogether so I’m sure you would enjoy reading this. Without further ado, grab a seat and let’s get into it.

Elgee & Tolulope Akinsanya
How and Where did you two meet?
Tolu: Elgee and I met in an RCCG parish at Olabisi Onabanjo University. He was the first person to congratulate me after I completed my workers’ training.
Elgee: I met Tolu at RCCG Newsong Parish, Ago Iwoye. She had just finished her workers’ training. I waltzed into the children department where she worked and I shook her hand and said congratulations.
How long was your courtship for?
Elgee: We dated (I mean I asked her into a “partnership” in 2015) for 3 years. I proposed in February 2018 and we are about to get married in a few days. Courtship is after proposal àbi?… Lol.

At what point were you certain that you had found the one?
Tolu: Honestly, I really can’t point to a specific time when I knew I had found the right one for me. I just recall that in my final year in school, we both talked in-depth and he asked me to pray about us, which I did. I liked him already so saying a prayer was risky. However, I asked God to help and guide me in every way possible.
Elgee: There was no particular point. The conviction was spread over a long period of time. It wasn’t something circumstantial. We were friends and we grew as friends such that we talked and updated each other about everything. Then there were dark moments and reflecting in and on those moments pointed out clearly who I was made for and who was made for me – Tolulope Damilola Adesina… Sorry Akinsanya (he can’t wait..LOL)
What do you like the most about each other?
Tolu: I like how he keeps pushing me to become a better version of myself. He encourages me to never to settle for what or who I am right now. I particularly love the fact that I can talk about anything and everything with him.
Elgee: Top of the charts is that Tolulope is loyal. She’s fiercely passionate about my person in all areas. She looks out for me and we can talk about anything… Hahaha… Anything.

What was the Proposal like?
Elgee: Having watched various clips of surprise proposals where the lady runs around before taking the ring, I decided to do something a little amusing to avoid the chase. So we both had a long day and we were on the expressway driving to meet up with some friends at the mall, I faked a car fault. I popped open the bonnet and then she came out with concern written all over her sweet face to check what the problem was. Well, there was no problem. I popped the question… As she turned, I added a quick warning that she shouldn’t make an attempt to run as we were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses “lots of trailers and cars going back and forth” I mean. LOL
Tolu: I had gone for a programme earlier in the day and I went to his place to wait for him since we had a date with friends.
We left his place and I noticed he was driving really slow, I asked what was happening and he told me the accelerator was not working well. I started kabashing (praying in tongues) because it was about 6 pm and we were on the long bridge heading to Lagos. After a while, he stopped the car and told me the car has refused to move at all. I was all worried but sat in the car (praying) while he went to check what was wrong.
Moments passed, so I went to meet him beside the bonnet to see what was going on and then he started saying stuff… Thanking me for being there every time and all that. I did not know that was my romantic proposal speech so I wasn’t really listening from the beginning but then as I saw him bring out the ring , I thought “who does this?” I walked away from him to the back of the car and then he pleaded with me not to run into an oncoming vehicle. At that point I walked back to him and he asked me to spend forever with him…not in the exact words of “Will you marry me?” But I remember saying yes with my left hand stretched out
How do you picture your future together?
Tolu: I picture a future where best friends get to live with each other for the rest of their lives. I picture a future full of love, peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. I picture a future where openness with each other is very evident. I picture a future where we both push each other to be the best in our various fields. I picture a future with beautiful children who are fully grounded in God’s word and love.
Elgee: With God leading and both of us featuring, the future I see is one of excellence and dedicated service to God, living to shine the light of Christ in everything we both do. Playful Daddy. Lol.

What’s your advice for singles still waiting on God for the right one?
Tolu: My advice to everyone who is waiting on God for the right one is to immerse themselves fully in the things of God. Not just as eye service but because of the love they have for God. Prepare yourself in every way possible such that when you meet the right person, you would be almost ready as well. Just a little pruning would be needed.
For ladies, don’t go about engaging in emotional relationships with every man who comes your way. You are to be found, while you are diligently tending your garden. As much as it might seem, Ruth was busy with something when Boaz found her. Rebecca was busy with something when Abraham’s servant found her. Don’t be idle while waiting for God’s choice for you…seest thou a wo(man) diligent in her business, she would stand before Kings and not mean men.
Elgee: Well… Our purposes in life differ and it is important to look at issues of your life partner from the end. Can you and this person walk together in the full pleasure of God and chase Heaven together? Then from that “end”, you can backtrack and find a beginning.
Secondly, while you wait, do what waiters do – serve. Be of healthy service to the people around you, be a good person who seeks to bring out the best in others to the glory of God.
And finally for both males and females, God will not give you the reward of another person’s labor, so seek someone whom you can build and build with and be ready to put in the work in love as God guides you.
See this short video clip of the couple
There you have it guys!! Now you know just how Elgee found his “Gee” for life! You can already tell that these two are perfectly made for each other. I hope you found it as interesting and inspiring as I earlier stated.
LQUEENWRITES wishes this beautiful couple a blissful, fruitful and purpose fulfilling union, Kindly drop a congratulatory message for them before you leave.
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